Program 4

Accessibility Note:
* This program is scheduled in a space that is not accessible to chair users.
*All Tag! 2024 programs are offered with English captions or subtitles.

Putting It Together

As in closets, cauldrons, or festivals, variety extends the life of the joyous and the dynamic. As we process, surrender and grow into who we desire to be, as queer folk or otherwise, these expansive elements make for a more enjoyable journey. Whether serious, silly or in-between, may these international stories be set free!

Como en los armarios, los calderos o los festivales, la variedad prolonga la vida de lo alegre y dinámico. A medida que procesamos, nos entregamos y nos convertimos en quienes deseamos ser, como personas queer o demás, estos elementos expansivos hacen que el viaje sea más agradable. Ya sean serias, tontas o intermedias, ¡que estas historias internacionales sean liberadas!


Lokchi Lam

Canada, 7:18

Butch, a large left boob struggling with insecurity about his masculinity, works to impress his new crush in unfortunately toxic ways. Butch may or may not end up getting the girl, but in trying he goes through anxiety, humiliation, and a transcendental experience. Shot entirely on green screen with an iPhone and animated to within an inch of its life using scraps from the internet, this film examines the tensions of normative transmasculinity from the perspective of one of its exiled subjects, the breast.

Written by: Lokchi Lam

Language: English